Compliments and Complaints

Wormald is committed to improving the services we offer our customers.

We encourage all forms of feedback to assist us in enhancing customer satisfaction and improving the quality of the products and services we provide.

How to Contact Us

Help us improve our service to you. If you would like to discuss any aspect of the service you have received, you can contact Wormald by completing the form below or calling our team on 0800 4 WORMALD

Complaint Handling Process

At Wormald, we take your concerns seriously and we are committed to providing our customers with access to a clear and responsive complaints handling process.

As part of our ISO 9001 Quality System all complaints are registered, investigated and reviewed by our Senior Management Team.

Complaint Resolution

Our aim is to resolve all complaints within ten (10) business days.

After submitting an online complaint you will be contacted by a Wormald representative, if they are unable to resolve your complaint immediately you will be contacted again at the conclusion of our investigation.

Should you be dissatisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can request your complaint is escalated to the General Manager for Wormald New Zealand.

Compliments and Complaints

Please fill in the below compliments and complaints form and a Wormald representative will contact you.